
Vozz Helmets – The future of helmets WITHOUT straps?

The future helmets have come down the overall safety package to the rider and Vozz Helmets might be the next big thing in motorcycle riding gear.

The two-part helmet is constructed in a way that it’ll fit the rider’s head and face providing multiple contact points between the rider’s head and helmet.

All Vozz Helmets are made of two parts with their own patented and innovative Safety Release System (SRS) to offers a bunch of benefits to the wearer for easier removal during emergencies.

As we head further and further into the future, there’s no denying that the safety aspects of motorcycling have been heavily invested to make sure that riding two-wheelers will become safer than ever before. As of now, the concept and construction of helmets have been the same with their own style, construction and performance but Vozz Helmets have taken it to a whole new level.

Vozz Helmets are of a very special and blasphemous breed when explained to almost every motorcyclist on the planet when looked at the surface. For one thing, the helmet comes with no straps like the conventional helmets available in the market to date but that does not mean that Vozz Helmets are not safe. In fact, it might be safer than we think.

VOZZ Helmets - Safety Removal Video

All Vozz Helmets are made of two parts with their own patented and innovative Safety Release System (SRS) to offers a bunch of benefits to the wearer. In case of emergencies and the helmet is required to be removed safely from the rider, conventional helmets have a hire tendency of causing more harm as medical staff have to physically move the head, neck and spine to remove the lid whereas the two-part Vozz Helmet “allows the front portion to be removed whilst keeping the rear of the head secure and supported.”

VOZZ Helmets - How it works

All one needs to do is press a simple release button (supported by a QR code) and the front part of the helmet can be separated to gain access to the rider even by non-trained medical staff or even public members to provide first aid as soon as possible.

As a two-part helmet, Vozz uses the innovative Safety Release System (SRS) to offer huge benefits to riders. In the instance of an accident, a fallen rider can be quickly extracted from the front portion of the helmet whilst keeping the rear of the head secure and supported. A simple button release supported by a QR Code can allow non-trained medical staff and members of the public to aid and assist instantly at the scene.

Image source: xBhp

All Vozz Helmet are ECE 22/05 and DOT Approved for the UK, USA, Australia and EU use which also means that it can be legally worn in Malaysia as well thanks to the ECE approval. In terms of materials of choice, the front shell is a tri-composite construction of Kevlar, Carbon and High-Grade Fibre in the frontal shell and the rear shell is high-grade ABS.

VOZZ Helmets - A revolutionary innovation

Vozz Helmet claims that their innovative design allows for a much better and improved fit unlike traditional helmets that require the entire opening to fit the head. Vozz Helmet on the other hand is fitted on the rider’s head and face providing multiple contact points between the rider’s head and helmet.

Image source: The Ride Advice

The biggest benefit based on the design has been claimed to offer a balanced and even fit with no heavy spots and uncomfortable pressure points especially on the forehead. There are a total of six helmet sized together with an adjustable chin cup that can be moved using the integrated ratchet system which allows more freedom for the ultimate helmet fit. Ultimately, the helmet fits like a glove.

As of now, the helmet can be purchased in the UK from £595 (around RM3,330 after direct conversion). To know more about Vozz Helmets, you can visit their official website by clicking [button color=”” size=”” type=”3d” target=”blank” link=””]HERE[/button].

A passionate individual when it comes to anything related to two wheels (or sometimes more), he enjoys the chaotic and magical world of motorsports as much as riding leisurely to the shops on his beloved Vespa. With an education-based background, he is always eager to learn and share about the poetic arts of motorcycling.

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