
Allianz – Motorcycle of the Year Awards 2025 – The First Of Its Kind!

There are motorcycles of the year awards, and the there is the Allianz – Motorcycle of the Year Awards 2025.

Boasting 15 distinct categories for motorcycles and 1 for service providers, it is the most comprehensive motorcycle exclusive award ever conceived in Malaysia. The awards is supported by Allianz Malaysia Berhad, and organised by us at in collaboration with

The categories are:
  1. ⁠Kapcai of the year.
  2. Scooter of the Year (Above 250cc).
  3. Scooter of the Year (Below 250).
  4. ⁠Sportsbike of the Year.
  5. Touring Bike of the Year.
  6. Cruiser of the Year.
  7. Naked bike of the Year (Below 1000cc).
  8. Adventure Bike of the Year (Above 800cc).
  9. Adventure Bike of the Year (Below 800cc).
  10. Modern Classic Bike of the Year (Above 500cc).
  11. Modern Classic bike of the Year (Below 500cc).
  12. Malaysian Motorcycle of the Year Overall Champion .
  13. Malaysian Motorcycle Personality of the Year.
  14. Malaysian Rider of the Year.
  15. Malaysian Innovator of the Year.
  16. Motorcycle Insurance Provider of the Year.

Each nominated motorcycle was fully tested by a panel consisting of veteran members of the media, as well as veteran hardcore bikers and casual bikers.

The choice of panel members was made to provide a balanced review to benefit motorcycle buyers with a wide range of riding and technical skills through real-world-based information. Too many times have we seen buyers regretting their decisions in buying their motorcycles after following the review of a particular type of rider who is more ‘in tune’ with a different type of motorcycle. Thus the panel of judges include Datuk Capt. Nik Huzlan and Jehan Miskin.

To ensure neutrality, no fee was levied. In other words, there was and is no charge to participate, use of the event’s logo in the participants’ marketing communication material, sponsorship or marketing fee to the winners post event. Additionally, there is no fee to attend the gala dinner. Even the parking is free!

The Allianz – Motorcycle of the Year Awards 2025 gala dinner will be held this week, so stay tuned for the winners list.

Wahid's lust for motorcycles was spurred on by his late-Dad's love for his Lambretta on which he courted, married his mother, and took baby Wahid riding on it. He has since worked in the motorcycle and automotive industry for many years, before taking up riding courses and testing many, many motorcycles since becoming a motojournalist. Wahid likes to see things differently. What can you say about a guy who sees a road safety message in AC/DC's "Highway to Hell."

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