Shell Malaysia earns the first “Green Building Index” award for two of their stations.
The index is awarded to buildings that comply to environmentally-friendly measures.
Shell’s green stations are the first among petroleum companies in Malaysia and APAC region.
As the Managing Director of Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn. Bhd., En. Shairan Huzani Husain said, “It’s not easy to convince people the petroleum companies actually care about the environment.” But Shell Malaysia is now the first petroleum company to have certified “green retail fuel stations” not only in Malaysia, but in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.
To Shell, it is their responsibility to care for the wellbeing of the planet, while supplying energy resources to consumers. Truth is, Shell not only researches on better fossil fuels and other petroleum products, but also energy solutions for the future including electric vehicles.

As such, Shell Malaysia embarked on a quest to turn their retail stations into environmentally-friendly those with “Green Building Index (GBI)” certification. Two stations have been awarded as such, one in Damansara Jaya and another in Taman Connaught.
En. Shairan further added that Shell Malaysia will reduce the carbon footprint of their stations by 50% cum 2025.

Highlights of GBI certified buildings:
- Solar Photo Voltaic panels installed on the station’s canopy to generate electricity during daytime. The clean electricity obtained will supplement the station’s energy requirements such as running the air-conditioning, lighting, fuel pumps and so forth.
- Adjustments to reduce energy consumption. Such as painting the surfaces of roofs and walls white to reflect solar radiation to reduce interior temperature during the daytime.
- Use of Energy Monitoring System (EMS). It allows the station to monitor electricity and water consumption. The station’s crew can react quickly to abnormal consumption.
- Waterless urinals and water saving taps replace conventional bathroom fittings. Water usage was reduced by up to 60%. It equals saving up to 600,000 litres per year, per station.
- LED lighting with lower power consumption and longer lifespans.
- Carpool and green vehicle parking bays to encourage their use.
- Strategically placed electronic display board at shop’s entrance which provides detailed information on the station’s energy and water consumption, temperature and carbon intensity reduction.