
TOC Introduces MSF Motor Racing Study Course

  • TOC Automotive College has just signed an agreement with Malaysia Speed Festival.

  • The collaboration launches the MSF Motor Racing study course.

  • Students will learn about racing management and technical aspects in the 20-week course.

Hot on the heels of the launch of the TOC Superbike Technician Course, the TOC Automotive College (TOC) has signed another collaborative effort with the Malaysia Speed Festival (MSF) on 25th May 2018.

As we mentioned before, motorsports is the fast lane to a student’s real world experience. That is why the TOC Automotive College has a fully-equipped Motorsports Division, which caters to both auto and now motorcycle racing.

The partnership seeks to enhance the knowledge of TOC’s students in the cutthroat world of motorsports before they hit the workforce. More specifically, this collaboration with train a select group of TOC students as future leaders and workers in Malaysia’s motorsport industry through the new “MSF Motor Racing” study course.

In Adian Yein, MSF’s Principal’s speech, it was revealed that while the motorsport industry is still small in terms of budgets compared to the international team, it was still worth RM 2 million a few years ago. As such, there exists a need for more new blood to take part. Besides that, it ought to be time to concentrate not only on the drivers and riders, but also those in the background.

Mr. Liew Chin Hooi, MSF Superbike Representative, iterated in his speech, “The technical portion of motorsports has traditionally been relegated to the blue-collar status. We aim to change that through the tie-up with TOC.”

Ms. Adelaine Foo, Founder and CEO of TOC Automotive College, added that, “Everybody knows who the drivers and riders are, but what TOC has done is to bring a lot of focus to the people who made the machine for the drivers and riders to drive and ride. There is no Lewis Hamilton if there’s no technicians.”

“It’s about bringing respect to the people behind the scenes,” she added.

The topics covered in the 20-week course are:

1 Introduction to Motorsports and MSF Racing ·      Introducing MSF.
·      Overview of the motorsports industry: Worldwide, US, Australia, Britain, Malaysia.
·      Importance of regulations and safety.
2 Race technical operations – Registration and Scrutineering ·      Registration – license checking, sign in.
·      Scrutineering – safety checks, technical compliance.
3 Race Technical Operations – Race Control, Timing and Gridding ·      Timing and gridding – results, labelling, gridding.
·      Race Control – race diary, incidents reporting.
4 MSF 2018 Round 3 ·      Event duties.
5 MSF Race Car Body Preparation and Safety Items ·      Body lightening.
·      Body straightening.
·      Installing safety items.
6 MSF Race Engine Preparation – Top-end Modifications and Improvements ·      Improving breathing and volumetric efficiency.
·      Improving ignition.
7 MSF Race Engine Preparation – Bottom-end improvements and Building ·      Improving compression
·      Lightening
·      Building the bottom end
8 Race Technical Operations – Revision for all groups ·      Briefing of responsibilities and revision.
9 MSF 2018 Round 4 ·      Event duties
10 Chassis and Suspension (Cars) ·      Basic chassis and suspension design.
·      Understanding suspension.
11 Suspension – Basics and Setup (Cars) ·      Introduction to vehicle dynamics.
·      Understanding damping.
·      Basic vehicle set up.
12 Suspension – Basics and Setup (Bikes) ·      Introduction to bike suspension.
·      Understanding bike chassis dynamics.
·      Basic superbike set up.
13 Race technical operations – Revision for all groups ·      Briefing of responsibilities and revision.
14 MSF 2018 Round 5 ·      Event duties.
15 Aerodynamics ·      Understanding air pressure and movement.
16 Drivetrain ·      Gearbox and gear ratios.
·      Flywheel and clutch.
17 Race Strategy and Testing ·      Tyre and fuel strategy.
·      Effect of weather.
·      Communicating with the driver.
·      Objectives of testing and understanding the data.
18 Race Technical Operations – Revision for all groups ·      Briefing of responsibilities and revision.
19 MSF 2018 Round 6 ·      Event duties.
20 Assessment

Industry players in Malaysia will also give talks from time to time. Confirmed partners are Fawster Suspension, K-Tech Suspension, Hankook Motorsports Malaysia and Proton-R3 Motorsports.

As you could see, TOC and MSF want to breed race team engineers or race officials that are intelligent with solid technical backgrounds, instead of mere grease monkeys.

You may refer to TOC Automotive College and Malaysia Speed Festival Facebook pages for more information on the MSF Motor Racing study course. You may also visit TOC Automotive College’s website.


Wahid's lust for motorcycles was spurred on by his late-Dad's love for his Lambretta on which he courted, married his mother, and took baby Wahid riding on it. He has since worked in the motorcycle and automotive industry for many years, before taking up riding courses and testing many, many motorcycles since becoming a motojournalist. Wahid likes to see things differently. What can you say about a guy who sees a road safety message in AC/DC's "Highway to Hell."

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