The Road Transport Department (JPJ) recalls vehicles for inspection by the relevant car manufacturers to ensure safety on the road.
Transport Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook said all recalls are official announcements from JPJ to vehicle owners.
He said that previously if there was a vehicle problem related to technical issues, the manufacturer would issue a recall notice. “However, vehicle owners usually ignore the announcement notice and think it is a trivial matter.
“Now, we have stipulated that if there is a technical problem with the vehicle, the company must inform JPJ before the department will make an announcement to recall the vehicle for inspection.
“Owners must be aware of every announcement regarding the matter and send the vehicle back to the workshop designated by the company with the cost borne by the company,” he said when met after officiating the Negeri Sembilan-level MyLesen Program at the Kuala Klawang Great Hall here today.
Also present were Secretary-General of the Ministry of Transport Malaysia (MOT) Datuk Jana Santhiran Muniayan and JPJ Director-General Datuk Aedy Fadly Ramli.
Anthony Loke said that owners face safety risks when using the vehicle if they ignore the recall process.