
RM50 left after Buying a BMW Superbike

A young man expressed his regret because he is left with only RM50 after buying a BMW superbike.

The 26-year-old whose salary has reached RM6,000 a month thought he had enough to afford his his dream motorcycle which costs RM129,000 (the price for a BMW S 1000 RR).

But it turns out that he has got his budget wrong. He turned to social media to express his frustration by posting on X, “It’s true that people say superbikes is actually a hobby for the rich.

“Now it’s only the middle of the month, after renewing the road tax, servicing this and that, leaving only RM50 for food.

“I don’t know if I can survive until the end of the month,” he complained.

As usual, netizens were quick to respond because to them, he should have practised better money management. There were also who said that the superbike is only suitable to those who are not salaried and earn a five-figure income every month.

“Give any salary, it’s not enough if you’re extravagant, you’re not good at managing money. High salary, high lifestyle, it’s not enough,” commented a netizen.

Some gave financial advice.

“Logically, RM50 will not be enough until the end of the month. But if you borrow or use your savings, you can.”

“Just sell the bike. Is the best way if it’s burdensome,” said another netizen.

Wahid's lust for motorcycles was spurred on by his late-Dad's love for his Lambretta on which he courted, married his mother, and took baby Wahid riding on it. He has since worked in the motorcycle and automotive industry for many years, before taking up riding courses and testing many, many motorcycles since becoming a motojournalist. Wahid likes to see things differently. What can you say about a guy who sees a road safety message in AC/DC's "Highway to Hell."

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