
Target Fixation Kills – How to Fix It?

Motorcycle accidents can happen due to the combination of several factors: Road condition, mistakes committed by other drivers, weather, etc. But accidents also happen due to the rider’s own abilities, or lack of, such as target fixation.

Target fixation may not be the main cause of motorcycle accidents but it is the main reason why we cannot avoid accidents.

Good news is, advanced riding schools and teachers have narrowed down the causes of mishaps creating by the rider. You see, we humans have several built-in defence systems called “survival instincts.” There is no doubt that these instincts have kept our forefathers alive until now, but they can be a hindrance to our survival on motorcycles that go up to 300 km/h or more. Ironic.

And yes, one of these survival instincts is “target fixation,” and there are countless videos that show how those accidents could have been easily avoided if not because of target fixation.

What is target fixation?

The instinct originates in our brains telling us to keep an eye on a dangerous situation or hazard. While it worked well against predators, it unfortunately becomes a bane when we ride motorcycles that travel at much faster speeds. And, the strength of the instinct increases as you increase speed.

Have you entered a corner a little faster only to find your vision locked onto the outside of the corner instead through it? Or a car pulled out of the junction right in front of you and could only stare at it, wishing that it went away? Or you saw a pothole in the middle of the road and still proceeded to hit it although the hole is only 0.5 metre wide, while the road is 8 metres wide?

Or, just the like in the video below. The motorcycle rider had the entire lane, plus the adjacent lane to himself, yet he ran into those hapless cyclists.

All those issues were caused by your brain telling you to fixate (lock) your vision on the danger, hence, target fixation.

So, how do we fix it?

Like many bad habits, we can train our brain to overcome them, target fixation included. We only need to practice: You do not need to mount those expensive tyres, suspension, etc.

Keep these points in mind:

  1. The motorcycle goes where we look.
  2. Ride with a wide field of view – do not let your vision tunnel down.
  3. A wide field of view lets you open up the road in front of you, thereby creating more space.
  4. With that wide view, look to the sides of the hazard when you spot one.
  5. Steer the motorcycle away from the hazard.


  1. Find an open road with no traffic. Better yet, a large parking spot.
  2. Start with 40 km/h. Look up and look wide.
  3. Imagine a pothole or any hazard ahead of you (how far ahead depends on your speed).
  4. Look to the either side i.e. left or right of it.
  5. Then steer to either the side. Keep practicing until it becomes a habit, and your muscles will follow suit (muscle memory).
  6. Add 10 km/h at a time and keep practicing.

Wahid's lust for motorcycles was spurred on by his late-Dad's love for his Lambretta on which he courted, married his mother, and took baby Wahid riding on it. He has since worked in the motorcycle and automotive industry for many years, before taking up riding courses and testing many, many motorcycles since becoming a motojournalist. Wahid likes to see things differently. What can you say about a guy who sees a road safety message in AC/DC's "Highway to Hell."

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