
Aeon Credit offers one-month deferment for loan payments

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic that’s wreaking havoc around the globe (including Malaysia), credit provider Aeon Credit has announced that they’ll be offering a one-month deferment for loan payments, which include motorcycle and auto financing.

This temporary relief is targeted to ease the burden of Aeon Credit’s loan applicants but not to the same extent as the banks under the Bank Negara Malaysia where the moratorium announced for loan deferments for a duration of six months.

The deferment of payment under Aeon Credit will be automatically offered for all active accounts with not more than 3 months delinquent/past due as of 1st April 2020. There will also be no additional fees imposed for those who receive this one-month deferment and payment will continue as usual after April 2020.

Those who opted for auto-debit function will automatically stop during this one-month period and will continue as normal after April. Those who wish to not take up on the offer may make their payment as usual through several methods available online and offline.

For more information, you may head over to for further details regarding the loan deferment. Stay safe, keep your social distancing on, and ride this wave like a good law-abiding citizen and all of us will be riding back in no time. Let’s do this!

A passionate individual when it comes to anything related to two wheels (or sometimes more), he enjoys the chaotic and magical world of motorsports as much as riding leisurely to the shops on his beloved Vespa. With an education-based background, he is always eager to learn and share about the poetic arts of motorcycling.

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