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  • Selepas 30 tahun dalam pasaran Malaysia, motosikal Honda EX5 telah memperoleh status ikon dengan lebih daripada dua juta unit yang dikeluarkan dan dijual.
  • Motosikal terkini mereka, Honda EX5 Dream Fi Edisi Terhad Ulang Tahun ke-30 2017 didatangkan dengan rupa dan gaya yang diperbaharui bagi meningkatkan lagi daya tarikan motosikal cub ini kepada generasi baru yang mencari motosikal pertama yang sesuai bagi diri mereka.
  • Tiga dekad mereka telah membantu Malaysia membangun dalam hampir ke semua industri, dan ini telah membantu motosikal EX5 untuk terus berkembang menjadi sebuah motosikal yang masih lagi relevan serta menakjubkan walaupun pada tahun 2017.


After 30 years in the Malaysian market, the Honda EX5 has gained iconic status with over two million units manufactured and sold.

Their latest 2017 Honda EX5 Dream Fi 30th Anniversary Limited Edition comes with a refreshed look and feel to further enhance the cub’s appeal for the newer generation looking for the perfect first bike.

Three decades in helping Malaysia to develop in almost every industry has helped the EX5 evolve into a bike that is still very much relevant and remarkable even in 2017.

It has been 30 years since the first ever Honda EX5 rolled out from the Boon Siew Honda factory back in 1987. In the span of three decades, over two million of these iconic cubs have been manufactured and honestly, it is without a doubt one of the country’s major moving force in almost every industry here in Malaysia. (more…)


  • Boon Siew Honda (BSH) mengumumkan yang mereka akan mengeluarkan dua buah model motosikal Honda EX5 Fi Ulang Tahun ke-30 Edisi Terhad 2017.
  • Bersempena dengan kejayaan tiga dekad motosikal berkenaan, BSH juga akan meraikan mercu tanda pengeluaran global unit Honda ke-100 juta.
  • Motosikal Honda EX5 Fi edisi terhad ini akan boleh didapati dalam dua varian berbeza; roda berjejari pada harga RM5,309.54 dan roda acuan pada harga RM5,563.94 (harga asas beserta GST).


Boon Siew Honda (BSH) announced that they will be rolling out two models of the 30th anniversary 2017 Honda EX5 Fi Limited Edition.

In conjunction with the bike’s three decades of success, BSH is also celebrating the production of Honda’s global 100 millionth unit milestone.

The limited edition Honda EX5 Fi will be available in two different variants; spoke wheels at RM5,309.54 and cast wheels at RM5,563.94 (basic prices with GST).

Boon Siew Honda (BSH) has announced that they will officially introduce a limited edition Honda EX5 Fi in conjunction with the iconic bike’s 30th anniversary this year. The limited edition EX5 will be available in two different variants; spoke and cast wheels. (more…)



  • Honda EX5 telah menikmati kejayaan yang amat besar untuk 30 tahun yang lalu semenjak ianya diperkenalkan di negara kita.
  • Dengan keperluan negara yang sentiasa bertambah untuk sejenis bentuk pengangkutan yang gagah, boleh diharap dan juga mampu dimiliki, motosikal EX5 telah membuktikan dirinya sebagai kuasa pendorong  utama di dalam Malaysia.
  • Hingga hari ini, telah terdapat lebih daripada 2 juta buah Honda EX5 yang telah dikeluarkan serta sejarah dan gayanya  telah menambat hati ramai orang terutamanya di dalam negara kita ini.


The Honda EX5 has been enjoying a huge amount of success for the past 30 years since it was introduced in our country.

With the country’s ever growing demand for a strong, reliable and affordable form of transportation, the EX5 has proven itself to be a major driving force in Malaysia.

To date, there are more than two million Honda EX5 manufactured and its rich history plus style have captured the hearts of many especially in the country.

Most motorcycle manufacturers have one particular model that they’re either super proud or very fond of. Based number of different reasons from technologically-advanced bikes to high sales figures, there’s always that particular two-wheeler that helped put them on the map of the motoring industry. (more…)


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