2011 has been a great year for me as the single admin for this blog dedicated to the world of moped. Some of you might have been following MM blog from the very beginning and knows the progresses of this blog. Others might just stumble upon this blog today accidentally. However you come here, I know you are looking for something related to your passsion about bikes. I know I do. Even though I’m the writer for this blog, it is also happen that I’m the reader of it sometime when I look for some old info that I need to refer back. It has been 4 years since the blog have started and to come to this point of having more than 8,000 views per day, 3,000 unique visitors per day and more than 10,000 FB page fans, it is sure comes with great effort and time. Most of the time, I need to go to the motor shop to ask for parts update and takes pictures there. Most of the pics taken usually from SCK Motor and GTMax Motors. I thank them for giving me the permissions and opportunity. I also like to thank you Manfred from QBEE Motor Group as the first ever direct sponsor for MM blog. It is great to have recognition from a big company like them.
My big thanks are also for MalaysianBikers.com forumers who have been a great info sharer, LowYat.net forumers, Taufik from TMCblog.com, Mas Lingga from Asmarantaka, Bro AK from ArenaKereta.com, Ghani from Kapcai magazine and biggest thanks to you, the readers who have being supportive and man, you guys comment nicely in the FB page and also in the blog that helps the blog to become more informative and successful than before. Special thanks to Hasni Fitri and Radzi Zainuddin for becoming the MM FB page admin. Very special thanks for those who have bought the stickers and the MotoMalaya Limited Edition Black t-shirt. Hehe.
I also would like to take the opportunity to ask for apologize if I’ve done something wrong in the blog or in the MM FB page.
Some of you might ask, why do I do all this for long?
The answer is because it is my passion for bikes.