Do you still remember this bike? I can’t remember where is the original link, so, sorry, I can’t link back to the original post.
Just check 19 more marvelous pictures of this bike after jump (more…)
Do you still remember this bike? I can’t remember where is the original link, so, sorry, I can’t link back to the original post.
Just check 19 more marvelous pictures of this bike after jump (more…)
Chain lube are much better than the normal engine oil that we usually use to lubricate the chain and sprocket of our bike. It is much better because chain lube have the all important ‘anti-fling’ properties. Anti-fling means that the lubricant oil applied to the chain will not fly or splatter to the surrounding. If not, you’ll get a lot mess at the wheel and to the swing arm.
This Honda Hawk is nice cafe racer style modded. The owner of this bike choose the cafe racer style because the modification is limitless and you can use any parts(in this case, racing parts) from any model and any brand, as long as it is made in the 1960 – 1980s.
5 more pictures after the jump (more…)
This post is written in Malay language for Malaysian Yamaha 135LC rider or rider-to-be.
Check it out after the jump (more…)
BMC is a premium air filter brand that involved in many races around the world whether in 4 wheel or two wheel races. It also involved in F1 racing. I have written a post about BMC here.
The price for the BMC Air Filter for Yamaha 135LC (FM624/04) is not cheap at RM248, but the official Malaysia distributor, QBEE Motor Group S/B (previously known as Yoshi Marketing) in collaboration with MotoMalaya are offering this at a discounted price for only –> RM218! Until 31st August 2011 only.
The previous offer price is RM198.
You can order this directly by sms/call 016-7211291 or email sales@yoshimarketing.com to purchase the air filter. Please put in this quote: “I read MotoMalaya.net” to get this special price.
Check out more pictures here:
This kind of spark plug with 3 ground electrode is commonly used for drag racing. Anyway, you can still use it for everyday use on normal non-modified bike. I have used this plug for my Lagenda 115ZR from Magnum. The quality of Magnum spark plug and this Racing Bee are as good as the ever popular NGK spark plug. It can withstand high temperature and proven in drag race track (my friend use Magnum spark plug in their drag machine).
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