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2011 Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit Black
2011 Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit White

I hope you guys can observe the picture, make a comparison and share with us what you find in the comment section.

One difference that I have seen the white one have white stripes along the fairing which the one in black does not have.

Price for 2011 Yamaha 135LC 5-speed Extreme Spirit is RM7,265 OTR cash. If the shop is going to give you higher price, NEGOTIATE!

No more pictures after the jump, but the one in higher res (800px) and link to original post (more…)

Yamaha 135LC Auto Clutch (2011) RM6,925

Yamaha Lagenda 115Z (K) RM5282.03
Yamaha Lagenda 115Z (E) RM5598.10
Yamaha Lagenda 115ZR (E, S/rims) RM5915.38
Yamaha 135LC (2010)RM6511.50 (rumors said already discontinued)
Yamaha 135LC ES (2010)RM7122.18 (rumors said already discontinued)
Yamaha 135LC Auto Clutch (2011) RM6,925 (more…)

AMX Aviator AP990 Double Visor Full Face Helmet

What’s great about this AMX helmet is that the sunvisor is placed internally under the clear visor. It is retractable, so you can use the clear visor at night and retract the sunvisor on the inside for scorching sunlight ray protection at day.

Price for AMX Aviator AP990 Double Visor Full Face Helmet is RM570.

One more pictures after the jump (more…)

Trusty Upside Down Front Fork for Yamaha 135LC

8 more pictures after the jump (more…)

2011 Honda Icon Facelift (click to embiggen)

Honda Icon 110 AT has been facelifted for better looks and better design. The wheels are now in white colour for all the model body colour. The footrest has been widened for better foot placement. Decals sticker also gets a new look.

Price for Honda Icon 110AT is RM5,116.25 OTR cash with first party all rider insurance at MasterBikers.

Shinko EVO SR877 Tyre on Yamaha Lagenda 115ZR

This is not a review yet, just a post of random pictures of Shinko Evo Sr877 tyre fitted to my Lagenda 115ZR. Looks great. Sands are easily stick to the tyre (I think because of the medium-soft compound), which is a good thing. The tread pattern is quite exclusive since Shinko tyres are hard to find.

The retail price for SR877 Evo  is between RM118~RM188, depending on the sizes.

The RRP price of Shinko SR877 series is:
70/90-17: RM118
80/80-17: RM138
80/90-17: RM138
90/80-17: RM168
100/80-17: RM188

5 more high resolution pictures after the jump (more…)


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