
Berita Terkini

Cash price Rm5850.

This price is correct at the time of writing based on a shop in Klang, Selangor.

Prices may vary within shops. The most important thing is that the shop must give a good after sales service to you.

Harga tunai RM5850.

Harga ini adalah tepat semasa ditulis berdasarkan kedai di Klang, Selangor.

Harga mungkin sedikit berubah mengikut kedai. Yang penting adalah kedai itu memberikan servis yang terbaik kepada anda dan motor anda.

Motorcycle Tyre Reviews from

Recently, I just got my tyre change for my RX-Z. The tyre that I have choose is from Magnum. Magnum is the cheapest tyre that I can find in my place. Being the cheapest, I also think this one will not last long. Maybe just for 6 month.

Choosing a tyre is not easy since there are a lot of consideration before buying it. Maybe you can say, just buy the most expensive one. You are wrong. This is because some expensive tyre is made to grip well in dry road only. Also the compound made for it is meant for short term only since it can grip hard, so it can wears fast too.

While thinking for which tyre I need to use next, I found a good article about motorcycle tyre at here. This is based on the writer’s experience using different brands of tyre. So, it might differ with yours. Anyway, you can take the advice just for consideration before choosing a good tyre for your usage.

Four brands of tyre has been reviewed by the writer that is; Dunlop T900, Michelin M45, Farelli F1800 and FKR Epsilon HT200. Duro has not been reviewed since it is still being used by the writer. Read it here.

Red LC 135

Petronas Green LC 135

Black LC 135 modded to resemble X1R

These pictures are taken from forum. I put it here for all us to share the enjoyment of the modification. The two pictures above is modification from Malaysia, whereby the last one is made from Singapore. You can see the Singapore license plate number on the bike.

Enjoy these pictures and mod your LC too!

BRT Racing CDI Unit for Yamaha LC 135

Good news to all of you guys who wants to buy this racing CDI unit. Get it now at eBay Malaysia here. Only 20 hours left. So, get it quick. The price is RM280.
Yamaha LC 135 Inverted Front Fork from X-Speed

Yamaha LC 135 Inverted Front Fork from Trusty

Inverted front fork is a very popular modification by lots of LCian. The design of this inverted front fork is usually taken from the design of sportbikes 600cc and above. There are a lot of brand for this kind of inverted fork, so you need to find a good one since the fork really helps in terms of stopping power and also for comfort.
YSS Racing Rear Suspension for Yamaha LC 135

This racing rear suspension from YSS is available in workshop in Singapore but should also be available here in Malaysia.

Racing suspension usually comes with a firmer suspension setup due to better handling when it is done so. When the suspension is firmer, comfort is going to be at sacrifice. So, think before you change!


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